Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One year older..

My baby turned 5 today! I just cant believe it.


We headed out for Disneyland early in the morning and stopped by our favorite donut shop, Ryan picked out his favorite and we sung him 'the song.' We had to substitute donuts for the normal tradition of pancakes but we were all happy. We then headed off to a day at Disney. I forgot my camera in the car( so mad!) We had a fun time until i realized Ryan just wasn't acting himself and wouldn't go on almost any ride. After a few hours i finally decided that he had an ear infection. ( Me- Dr. Mom) We decided to leave early and head for Applebee's, his choice for his birthday dinner.

Here is Ryan at Applebee's with his new toy he got to pick out at Disney. It was a great day spent spoiling this perfect little boy. I couldn't ask for a better son.


Tiffanie White said...

wow sister! He is looking more and more like Brent every day- tall and skinny! haha. So did you leave your phone in the car too? I tried to call to sing to the birthday boy but no answer... maybe we can Skype soon? Oh my gosh, I'm SO excited to come down. I think I'm going to start packing next week :) Only 18 days til we leave- wahhhhhhhhoooooooooooo!!!

I'm sad that you forgot your camera :( THAT is the worst thing you could ever do (coming from me, who takes my camera even on a trip to target or a gas station- and not just any camera but my $800 camera) Maybe you guys will just have to buy tickets and come with us again and I'll take all your pictures :) :)

Okay, well I'll try to call again tomorrow! Love ya! And tell Ryan auntie teetee says Happy Birthday!

-The Bergen Family- said...

happy birthday ryan!

Maranda Whittle said...

Happy birthday to him!!