Oh and My Birthday was Sunday, so Saturday night Brent told our server and they brought me cake and sang to me. Not the best pix but its the only one i have. It was a great birthday to be on a cruise for a week with my very favorite person. We had a great time. It was so nice to have a break from life. It made me appreciate being a mother. I actually missed being able to serve my kids. I missed them a lot, but it was good to leave and get rejuvenated so that i could be a better mom and wife.
Our last meal with all of our great dinner friends

Lots of hot cocoa drinking

Day 6-last day at sea

Friday was our last formal night, i got a little more dressed up, it was a fun night.

This is a pix of our favorite desert. Warm chocolate melting cake served with ice cream. It really is to die for.

So Cabo was an interesting day. We had decided the night before that we were going to meet up with some friends to go snorkeling, since we has so much fun the other day. Well when the morning came around i was not feeling good at all so i told brent to just go without me. No sense in him just sitting around with a sick wife, so he left early in the morning WITHOUT me. It was great, i slept in and woke up feeling much better. When i looked out the window though i felt sick again. It was crazy windy and stormy and i had just sent my husband out there to a place that is already known to be kind of dangerous. To top it off its not like i could call him or text him cause we couldn't use cell phones. They wouldn't let anyone off the ship and they actually sailed it back out of the harbor out to sea where it was a tad bit calmer. The winds got up to 60 miles an hour, the waves were huge, it was like a little hurricane blew in with in an hour.Finally like two hours and many prayers later Brent came back to me. They had a bit of a scare out there but they were able to get back to land before it got to its worst point. A parasailer actually died during the storm though, its so sad.

Day 5- Cabo San Lucas

This is Mazatlan. We got off the ship and you have to pay for a taxi to get you to the beach and shopping. Well it was ten dollars one way so since Brent and i were trying to not spend a fortune we decided to try to find someone who would go with us so we could split the cost. This drove the taxi drivers nuts. They would make the same whether they had 2 or 4 people but we didn't care. It was kinda funny waiting around looking for another couple who looked like they were trying to find a taxi. But after only like 5 min we saw a couple that we eat dinner with and they were totally happy to catch a ride with us. It worked out great. We ended up hanging out with them the rest of the day at Mazatlan. We went shopping, ate some really great tamales, and went swimming at the beach. I could not believe how warm the water was, but very salty. It was a great day.
Our last meal with all of our great dinner friends
Lots of hot cocoa drinking
Day 6-last day at sea
Friday was our last formal night, i got a little more dressed up, it was a fun night.
This is a pix of our favorite desert. Warm chocolate melting cake served with ice cream. It really is to die for.
So Cabo was an interesting day. We had decided the night before that we were going to meet up with some friends to go snorkeling, since we has so much fun the other day. Well when the morning came around i was not feeling good at all so i told brent to just go without me. No sense in him just sitting around with a sick wife, so he left early in the morning WITHOUT me. It was great, i slept in and woke up feeling much better. When i looked out the window though i felt sick again. It was crazy windy and stormy and i had just sent my husband out there to a place that is already known to be kind of dangerous. To top it off its not like i could call him or text him cause we couldn't use cell phones. They wouldn't let anyone off the ship and they actually sailed it back out of the harbor out to sea where it was a tad bit calmer. The winds got up to 60 miles an hour, the waves were huge, it was like a little hurricane blew in with in an hour.Finally like two hours and many prayers later Brent came back to me. They had a bit of a scare out there but they were able to get back to land before it got to its worst point. A parasailer actually died during the storm though, its so sad.
Day 5- Cabo San Lucas
This is Mazatlan. We got off the ship and you have to pay for a taxi to get you to the beach and shopping. Well it was ten dollars one way so since Brent and i were trying to not spend a fortune we decided to try to find someone who would go with us so we could split the cost. This drove the taxi drivers nuts. They would make the same whether they had 2 or 4 people but we didn't care. It was kinda funny waiting around looking for another couple who looked like they were trying to find a taxi. But after only like 5 min we saw a couple that we eat dinner with and they were totally happy to catch a ride with us. It worked out great. We ended up hanging out with them the rest of the day at Mazatlan. We went shopping, ate some really great tamales, and went swimming at the beach. I could not believe how warm the water was, but very salty. It was a great day.
Day 5-Mazatlan

After our rest on the beach we went sea kiaking. It was alot of fun. I have always wanted to do it. Its nice to be out in the ocean all by yourself and you decide where you want to go.

After the waterfall fun we horse backed down the mountain to our speed boat and went to our private beach where we jumped out of the boat and snorkeled for about 45 min. That was AMAZING we had never done it before and i cant wait to do it again. We saw a ton of fish. Our guide( who was seriously amazing) caught a blow fish in his hands so we could all see it up close. He also caught a sea cucumber and i got to hold it. I screamed right at first cause it looked like a cucumber rock so i thought it would be hard and when he put it in my hand it was soft. He also found a sea urchent, a black prickily thing. After he went on and on about how dangerous they are he puts it in my hand. It was so neat to hold. After snorkeling we swam to the beach where we had a catered mexican lunch that was delish. This is our Amazing tour guide.

Brent and i had so much fun playing in the waterfall. I went under it a couple of times with him. I was crazy how hard the water is under there and once you get under it, it sweeps you away. I never got a great picture of the waterfall but it was soo beautiful.

This is at the waterfall with our friends Chase and Jen that we met on the ship. We sat at the same dinner table every night ( assigned seating- which was great, we had 3 great couples sitting with us)

Thanks to Brent parent's for paying for an excursion for our birthday presents we had the greatest time. If you are ever in puerrta viartta you have to go on the sea safari. It pretty much involves everything there is to do in 6 hours. First we took a speed boat along the shore of the city and had a quick tour of that area, we then went to this remote village where they got us up on horse back and took us up and down these beautiful mountains, i really thought i would die. It was fun but also scary there were some pretty steep parts that i think even the horses were weary about. But we ended up at this beautiful waterfall.
miniature golf on the very top of the ship. It was great fun-i won...
After our rest on the beach we went sea kiaking. It was alot of fun. I have always wanted to do it. Its nice to be out in the ocean all by yourself and you decide where you want to go.
After the waterfall fun we horse backed down the mountain to our speed boat and went to our private beach where we jumped out of the boat and snorkeled for about 45 min. That was AMAZING we had never done it before and i cant wait to do it again. We saw a ton of fish. Our guide( who was seriously amazing) caught a blow fish in his hands so we could all see it up close. He also caught a sea cucumber and i got to hold it. I screamed right at first cause it looked like a cucumber rock so i thought it would be hard and when he put it in my hand it was soft. He also found a sea urchent, a black prickily thing. After he went on and on about how dangerous they are he puts it in my hand. It was so neat to hold. After snorkeling we swam to the beach where we had a catered mexican lunch that was delish. This is our Amazing tour guide.
Brent and i had so much fun playing in the waterfall. I went under it a couple of times with him. I was crazy how hard the water is under there and once you get under it, it sweeps you away. I never got a great picture of the waterfall but it was soo beautiful.
This is at the waterfall with our friends Chase and Jen that we met on the ship. We sat at the same dinner table every night ( assigned seating- which was great, we had 3 great couples sitting with us)
Thanks to Brent parent's for paying for an excursion for our birthday presents we had the greatest time. If you are ever in puerrta viartta you have to go on the sea safari. It pretty much involves everything there is to do in 6 hours. First we took a speed boat along the shore of the city and had a quick tour of that area, we then went to this remote village where they got us up on horse back and took us up and down these beautiful mountains, i really thought i would die. It was fun but also scary there were some pretty steep parts that i think even the horses were weary about. But we ended up at this beautiful waterfall.
miniature golf on the very top of the ship. It was great fun-i won...
Day 2-at sea

Here is an example of what the food looks like. They make it so pretty.

Me and my other date- he was much quieter
Here is an example of what the food looks like. They make it so pretty.
Me and my other date- he was much quieter
I chose not to go all prom dress like some choose, i was feeling more black slackesh. The formal nights are really fun because the waiters put these shows on in the dinning room where they get up and dance. Its really fun, and of course the food is really good.
This is our first night at the spectacular, its this really big auditorium where they have these amazing shows just about every night.
START OF CRUISE- 9/20/2009
The whole family together

Saturday night we went to pizza. The greatest thing of all is that a while back Brent won a gift card from work for $50. Food tastes so much better when its free. It was alot of fun to go out all together.
Here is our room, every night when we come back from dinner they have this towel creation on our bed. They are always different and so much fun.
Day 1-at sea
Day 1-at sea
The whole family together
Lacy and her amazingness
Saturday night we went to pizza. The greatest thing of all is that a while back Brent won a gift card from work for $50. Food tastes so much better when its free. It was alot of fun to go out all together.
So to start about 6 months ago when we knew for sure that Brent would be doing summer sales again i told him that i didnt care how much money we made or didnt make we were going on a cruise. We havent been on vacation just as a couple for almost three years. That is way toooo long. So about 5 weeks ago i got on the computer looked up some cruises and booked one. Even though financially it might have been stupid i didnt care. Isnt marriage and sanity more important than money? Brents Parents are amazing and flew over for the entire week to watch the kids. They did a great job. The kids were happy to be with them. I think they got in some good bonding time since we dont see them as much as we would like. The pictures above start from the beginning.