So i will start with the stuff that has happened most recently. Today was Ryan first day of preschool. It's not the normal preschool, me and two other moms in my ward are doing our own home preschool. You don't get all the advantages of sending them off to school but i love it. Today was my day to teach. I have the kids at my house every third week for two hours. I was a little nervous today that i wouldn't be able to keep them occupied and on task but they did wonderful and it was really fun for me as well. Ryan is the only boy. There are two other girls Avery and Audra. They are so sweet and they all get along so well. This months theme is 'all about me.'
So i had them make themselves as 'dolls.' I had them go look in the mirror at themselves and i helped them tell what hair color, eye color and so forth. Then i had them pick out little cut outs i made of the eyes and outfits and they glued them on. I think they turned out so cute.
Ryan, Avery, Audra
Here they are doing there math project. They are separating frootloops into there different colors.
For Labor Day my Grandpa invited us to there time share at Lawrence Welk for some food and fun. It was a blast. I love spending time with him and the rest of the family.

Here are Ryan ,Lacy, and Edie( my step aunts daughter, we consider them more of our cousins since they are about our age.)

For Labor Day my Grandpa invited us to there time share at Lawrence Welk for some food and fun. It was a blast. I love spending time with him and the rest of the family.

Sunday Brent and i celebrated 6 years of marriage. I cant believe its been so long, it still feels like yesterday we were just dating. You know you have a good marriage when you like each other more now than in the beginning. Brent is my best friend. The only person who will listen to me ramble on about whatever, the only person who will put up with my moods, the only person who is there for me whenever i need him. I can't imagine life without him. I can't say enough, how grateful i am for the gospel. It seems too good to be true that i can be married to Brent forever and we can have our kids with us. I am looking forward to the rest of our life together.
As i was bringing out a load of fresh warm laundry from the dryer i hear Ryan " ohhhh mom thank you"
I'm like what the heck is he going to fold them for me???
So i say why are you so thankful?
He says" thank you for making my jumps for me"
Typical boy, i bring out laundry to fold and he sees a jump for his cars!!
So these pix should be switched around...
But My sister Tiffanie had her baby last Monday. On Saturday i get a call that she was going into the hospital because she was sure her water broke. Well sure enough it did. Normally that would be a great thing to happen right? Well Tiffanie was only 36 weeks and her hubby was in Korea not scheduled to come home for another two weeks. So now it gets not so happy. I just couldn't sit around while My sister was having her baby almost alone. My mom was there too thank goodness. So i am thinking she is going to pop this baby out i better hurry. So Brent is at the pool with Ryan and i tell him that i am really sorry but we HAVE to go to AZ right NOW. He comes back and tries to talk some sense into me but it didn't work. In one hour we load the kids and everything we need in the car and make the 6 hour journey to AZ. I'm thinking we better hurry, she could have this baby any time. Well lets just say that 40 hours after checking into the hospital she has her baby. I got there with definitely enough time to spare. It was kind of nice to spend that time with Tiffanie and my mom. I got to walk the halls at two in the morning and eat ice chips( gotta love hospital ice:)
Jaxon David White was born at 2:30 ish in the morning. He weighed 5 lbs 13 oz
18 1/2 in long. Sadly since Tiffs water was broken so long baby got an infection and was in the nicu for about 5 days. He is home now and doing great. Josh got an early leave and was able to get home that Monday night. I taped the whole thing so he wont have to feel like he missed it. I am so happy he is here and Ryan and Lacy are excited to have another cousin.
That water park look so fun!!!! Happy anniversary!
6 years congrats! we are coming up on our 5 year anniversary and it honestly feels like we were just married, boy does time fly!
I can't believe you had your 6 year anniversary. Times sure flies. Glad yo like Brent more now. Mine seemed to go the opposite. Kind of funny. Glad you're happy.
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