The Birth Story
So i didnt think i had time to write down the story of Hailey's birth but then i thought i might like to look back and remember all the little things that im sure to forget. So here goes!
I first want to start with my mistake. It was a big mistake to assume that because i had my first two children exactly 22 days early that i would have this baby early. I didn't think i would go as early but i thought i would be at least two weeks early. So i fly my sister down and Brent's mother makes plans to come down early to help me and then Hailey doesn't come early. 37 weeks pass, then 38 weeks pass and then I'm getting mad. Especially cause when my doctor checked me at 35 weeks i was already a 2 and 50 percent. So at my 38 week apt i went in and he said my blood pressure was really high and he was worried. He checked me and i was a 4 and 70 percent so he said he wanted to induce me. I couldn't have been happier. I was so done being pregnant. So i get to hospital next morning at 8 am. I was a little nervous since i have never been induced before. By 9 they had me all hooked up and started pitocin. By noon i was only a 5 so the doc came in and broke my water. At this point i chose not to get the epidural cause i wanted to feel what labor was like. Yes a lot crazy, but with Ryan and Lacy i didn't ever feel any pain and got my epi at a 6. So i thought maybe i could do it with out. About 3 yes3 min after they broke my water these crazy hard contractions started. Brent had gone home to eat lunch and check on the kids. I called him and told him to put everything down and get the heck to the hospital. I made it 30 min and told the nurse i had felt enough and wanted the epidural. She said it would be about 15 min. Brent arrived at 1245. So i had been doing the "natural" thing for 45 min in total pain. Brent was my life saver. He was a great support for me, i think i almost broke his hand squeezing so hard. So that 15 min went by and my epi wasn't there yet. It took them another hour to get me my epidural. So i was in this crazy horrible pain for an hour and 45 min. I actually kept my cool. i didn't scream or cry like i wanted to. But when the anesthesiologist came in i lost it and started crying, i was so happy. Brent passed out while i was getting the epi. It was pretty funny to hear the nurse yell out " we've got a dad down." It took a few min for it to work and then i finally got to relax. After only 10-15 min i was complete and ready to push. so i went from a 7 to a 10 in a few min. It only took a few pushes to get her out. Two crazy things happened while i was pushing. Brent just about passed out again so they rushed him to sit down and at that same time Hailey's hand was coming out with her head so they were pulling her out of me. All of which i could feel cause the epi only had time to numb my contractions. But she came out and Brent didn't die and we had our sweet baby we had waited so long for. Hailey had to spend the next few hours in the nursery because she couldn't keep her temp up. Ryan loved her right away and wanted to hold her, lacy wasn't so sure and it took her a while to warm up. Hailey is three weeks old now! Time is flying by, and we all love her to pieces:)
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